For a different company I needed to install Notepad++ on some systems.
Created AD group. Created a Share. Give rights to the AD group.
In the ad Group place the computers.
Created GPO and rights to the AD group only.
Added the script in startup scripts in the computer configuration.
@echo off REM ######################################### REM ##### Created by Daag van der Meer ##### REM ##### ##### REM ##### Filename NPPInstall.cmd ##### REM ######################################### PING -n 1 -w 900 >NUL SET LOGLOC=%Systemdrive%\logs REM ############### Create Log Dir ################### mkdir %LOGLOC% attrib +s +h %Systemdrive%\logs GOTO INSTALL :INSTALL REM ######## Check NPP Installed ############# set Logfile=%LOGLOC%\NPPfile.log if not exist "%Logfile%" ( echo NPP is Installed on %date% at %time% >> %LogFile% GOTO NPPSTART) GOTO END :NPPSTART if exist "%programfiles%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe" GOTO END if exist "%programfiles(x86)%\ Notepad++\uninstall.exe" GOTO END start /wait \\<SERVER>\<SHARE>\npp.7.4.2.Installer.exe /S :END