Set HP Elitebook Boot Logo
To set a Boot logo on all managed HP Laptops use script located onScripts/HPBiosLogo at main · Daagvandermeer/Scripts ( Put in the same folder a JPG file.Max resolution is 1024×768File…
To set a Boot logo on all managed HP Laptops use script located onScripts/HPBiosLogo at main · Daagvandermeer/Scripts ( Put in the same folder a JPG file.Max resolution is 1024×768File…
I Use this script in MDT to remove all Windows 10 Apps. Add more in $Appslist if you need to remove more. $AppsList = "Microsoft.3DBuilder","Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer","Microsoft.BingWeather","Microsoft.Getstarted","Microsoft.Messaging","Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub","Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection","Microsoft.OneConnect","Microsoft.People","Microsoft.SkypeApp","microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps","Microsoft.FeedbackHub","Microsoft.WindowsMaps","Microsoft.XboxApp","Microsoft.XboxIdendityProvider","Microsoft.ZuneMusic","Microsoft.ZuneVideo","AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress","Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml","Microsoft.Office.OneNote","Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub","Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay","Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider","Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay","Microsoft.Office.Sway","Microsoft.BingNews","D5EA27B7.Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree","46928bounde.EclipseManager" ForEach ($App in $AppsList) {…
Create powershell script $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "AutoAdminLogon" -Value "1" -type String Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "DefaultPassword" -Value "Password" -type String Place it high in the State Restore.
LTI/ZTI Scripting: Add computer to an AD Group
Create a VBS file and place it high in the task sequence. Enable Sound at the end on the installation. Place it also at the end. Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")…
I use this in MDT to rename local admin account. @echo off wmic useraccount where "name='Administrator'" rename Daag
Source: Changed the script for my enviroment Function Import-SMSTSENV{ try { $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment Write-Output "$ScriptName - tsenv is $tsenv " $MDTIntegration = "YES" #$tsenv.GetVariables() | %…