Windows create local account
Shift + F10 in the Network setup. In cmd, net user <NAME> /add net localgroup Administrators <NAME> /add cd OOBE msoobee.exe && shutdown.exe -r
Shift + F10 in the Network setup. In cmd, net user <NAME> /add net localgroup Administrators <NAME> /add cd OOBE msoobee.exe && shutdown.exe -r
This is the config how to block MAM config on Android Phones. Go to Endpoint security > Conditional Access Create new Policy Give it a name like IOS –…
openssl.exe s_client -connect DomainController:636 > Filename.cer Run this on your local system.
Enable Teams Rooms devices to join third-party meetings – Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs
Verbinding maken met alle Microsoft 365-services in een enkel PowerShell-venster – Microsoft 365 Enterprise | Microsoft Docs
Azure Active Directory security defaults | Microsoft Docs
Because I’m testing I made this, so I dont need to fill in everytime the credentials, but checks if there is a connection. AzureAD Connect if($azureConnection.Account -eq $null){$azureConnection = Connect-AzureAD}…
Connect-AzureADSet-AzureADUser -ObjectId <SyncACCOUNT>@<DOMAIN> -PasswordPolicies DisablePasswordExpiration And if you want all online created accounts disable Password expiration:Get-AzureADUser -All $true | Set-AzureADUser -PasswordPolicies DisablePasswordExpiration
Printspooler is crashing because of a wrong printerdriver. Remove printer in register:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors And start Printspooler service