Tip: a few useful PowerShell scripts for Exchange and Office 365 Admins
Go to File Go to Account Settings -> Account Settings Click on Change (or dubble click on your name) Click on More Settings Click on tab Advanced Click on Add…
Go to File Go to Account Settings -> Delegate Access Go to Add Search the name of the mailbox you want to add. And click on Add. When done, click…
I had problems with updating my system to 1607 version. Recieved error message File not found. Found this website with solution https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/d7dbb851-4e3a-41d9-9072-1f16d7b1bc1e/fix-domain-windows-10-wsus-upgrade-issues-file-not-found?forum=winserverwsus We were having an issue with the Windows…
At this moment I have rights for Landesk. Not optimal but I can add software and send it to systems what I manage. Here is a script that I use…